Union Bank (Albania)

Latest and Full information of Union Bank (Albania)

  Point No Info Type Main Info
1 Bank Name Union Bank (Albania)
2 Full Name of the Bank Union Bank SH.A
3 Bank Type Private
4 Category Commercial
5 Swift Code/BIC Code
6 Bank Code UNAL
7 Country Code AL
8 Location & Status TR
9 Branch Code XXX
10 Customer Support Or Contact Number
 +355 4 238 9111
11 Fax
+355(0) 55 243 414
12 E-mail Address
13 Address
Njësia Administrative nr. 9, Sheshi “Ferenc Nopçka”, Nr. ndërtesës 5 Tiranë, 1016, Albania
14 Head Office
Tirana, Albania
15 Established
January 11, 2006
16 Established Country Albania
17 Total Branches 31
18 Total ATM Booths 46
19 Total Assets
356 million EUR
20 CEO

Gazmend Kadriu

21 Founder
22 Service Hours 24 Hours Hour Call Center
24 Hours ATM Banking
24 Hours Online Banking
Weekly 5 Days, Tuesday – Friday 8.30AM-3.30PM, Monday 8.30AM-3.30PM
23 Website
24 Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Bank_(Albania)
25 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/unionbankalbania/
26 Twitter https://twitter.com/unionbank?lang=en
27 Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/hjhkj/
28 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/union_bank_albania/
29 Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/pin/441423200953832882/
30 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFovbTIKloqQja5sKD1aCSQ/about?disable_polymer=1



Bank Headquarters Address Map:

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